WIR GESTALTEN e.V. was founded in 2006 as an initiative of members of the Baptist Church Berlin-Wedding. The Church was founded in 1898 and has always been engaging in social activities in the Berlin-Wedding area. The basis of our work is the gospel of the love of God in Jesus Christ. As Christians we want to pass on the love of God in words and actions. Wir Gestalten e.V. seeks to fulfil its’ social responsibility through inter-denominational social outreach mission.

Our constitution can be seen here.

The Board consists of 3 members:

  • Johannes Henkel (Chairman)
  • Sandra Lenke
  • Wiebke Witt


  • Mirko Kormannshaus

Uzimatele is registered as a project of the WIR GESTALTEN e.V. in Germany. The partnership with WIR GESTALTEN e.V. provides legal coverage for Uzimatele and saves administrative costs. It also makes it easier for us to transfer money transparently to Kenya and to apply for official grants. Every donor receives an official contribution receipt.